H-Turk [Turkish Studies] Discussion Network


H-Turk Editors

"H-TURK serves as the e-mail list for humanists and social scientists in the general area of Turkish studies including the Ottoman past and more general Turkic present - Central Asian Turks as well as Middle Eastern and Balkan Turks. It is owned by the Turkish Studies Association [TSA] and affiliated with H-Net. TSA was founded in the early 1970s, publishes 'The Turkish Studies Association Bulletin', a semi-annual refereed journal, and meets annually in conjunction with the Middle East Studies Association, of which it is a member. H-TURK replaced the Turkish Studies Association's earlier e-mail discussion list, TSA-L, which had established the base of subscribers upon which H-TURK has built. As of October 2000, H-TURK has over 1000 members in more than 36 countries."
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

Michigan State University: East Lansing, US (MI) <http://www.msu.edu/>




United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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